Tuesday, January 8, 2008

When Jesus Enters Our Lives

Today's Scripture is found in Luke 7:1-35. It tells the stories of people who encountered difficult situations in their lives: Sickness, death and doubt. But Jesus' entry into their lives provided the necessary healing, comfort and certainty.

A centurion, a Roman officer in charge of 100 men, had a sick servant who needed healing. The officer had so much faith in Jesus's power to heal that he simply sent another servant to request the favor. Jesus was extremely impressed with the faith displayed that He gave the order and the servant was healed!

Next, Jesus went to the town of Nain where he came face to face with a widow who was taking her dead son to be buried. Tradition demanded that Jesus and his crew step aside to allow the funeral procession to pass. Yet, Jesus walked up to the coffin and He called out to the dead person to rise. The young man got up and Jesus returned him to his mother.

Finally, John the baptist was struggling with doubt. He sent a couple of his disciples to inquire from Jesus, "Are you the one who was to come, or should we expect someone else?" Jesus performed many miracles and told John's disciples to tell John of what they had seen. We're not told the result, but John never sent disciples to Jesus again.

Today, I've learned that no matter what we may struggle with, Jesus has the answer and the necessary power to provide a solution. Are you battling with sickness? Trust Jesus to speak the Word so that you can be healed! Are you suffering the spiritual death of a loved one? Let Jesus approach the place where you were thinking of burying them and He will give them new life! Are you having doubts that cause fear and uncertainty? Send someone you trust to ask the Lord, "Are you really the One that I was waiting for?" When you see the miracles He can do on your behalf, you will have no more doubts. This will only happen when Jesus enters your life!

1 comment:

Marietta said...

Lk 7:1-35 I guess I don’t have enough trust/faith in God or my life would run smoother.