Thursday, January 31, 2008

Listen to God

Today's reading is found in Exodus 20. God spoke to the people of Israel and delivered to them the Law which was to be obeyed completely. It's strange that we always think that God spoke to Moses alone regarding the Law. Yet, when you read the previous chapter, you notice that God came down to speak to all the people.

According to Moses, God had spoken to them and given them the Law in order "to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning." But the people were afraid and asked Moses not to let God speak to them because they would die. They wanted Moses to be the spokesperson. Can you believe that? They had the unique opportunity of hearing God's voice and they turned it down!

Today I've learned that God still desires to speak to each and every one of us. Yet, we have become too busy and maybe even lazy that we would rather have someone else tell us what God is saying. We are unwilling to pay the price of building a relationship with Him. We don't want to "waste" time hearing from someone who's just going to tell us what to do. This is the day and the right time in which we need to stand and hear God speak to us. No middle people. No distractions. Just listen to God and fear Him so that you will no longer sin against Him!

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