Monday, January 21, 2008

Lord, Are You Trying to Tell Us Something?

Today's reading is found in Genesis 45. God MUST be trying to tell us something! This portion deals with the story of Joseph confronting his brothers. So many years had gone by and Joseph had been so blessed by God that he was now second in command in all of Egypt. On the other hand, Joseph's brothers were in dire need of food. Two years of famine had fallen upon the land and all the people of neighboring lands were in trouble. But Joseph's family turned to Egypt for help not knowing God had a tremendous surprise for them.

Joseph's brothers showed up before Joseph, but they did not recognize him. When the moment was right Joseph revealed himself to his brothers who were quiet in astonishment and terror. Can you imagine that? They had treated him unmercifully and now he stood before them as a ruler who had in his command the right to let them live or to see them die! But notice Joseph's words regarding all that had happened:

"I am Joseph your brother whom you sold into Egypt. But don't feel badly, don't blame yourselves for selling me. God was behind it. God sent me here ahead of you to save lives."

How incredible! So much injustice on Joseph and yet he had no bitterness hidden in his heart. He was so glad to see his brothers that he hugged and kissed them. Not only that, but he understood now that God had allowed all things to happen in order to protect his family. Though his brothers had done so much damage, now Joseph was even providing for their children, their grandchildren and all their possessions.

Today I've learned that God is really interested in our well being. But it cannot be achieved if we continually hold on to grudges which lead us to anger, frustration and bitterness. Let us learn from Joseph the power of forgiveness. Let us understand that everything that happens to us, even those things which are bad, God will transform them into blessings. But we must continue to forgive those who have hurt us.

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