Saturday, January 26, 2008

Give Us Your Life!

Today's reading is found in Luke 24:1-12; 36-49. It tells the story of Jesus' resurrection. Early in the morning of the first day of the week, some women went to visit Jesus' tomb to annoint His body. Imagine their surprise when they arrived at the tomb and found the stone at the entrance had been rolled away! It's strange that they stood there wondering what had happened. Did they not remember what Jesus had said about coming back to life? The good thing is that there were two angels present who reminded them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb because He had risen!

Later on, Jesus appeared to the disciples. They were very afraid of Him thinking He was a ghost. But Jesus proved His identity by showing the wounds on his hands and feet. Then He proved His physical presence by allowing the disciples to touch Him and by eating some broiled fish. Finally, Jesus told the disciples that they would be witnesses of these incredible things. But before they went out to tell others about these things, they had to wait for what the Father had promised: The Holy Spirit. In the meantime, they were all to wait in Jerusalem until they received power.

Today I've learned that I no longer need to seek God amongst the dead. He will not be found in my dead lifestyle. He will not be found in my dead way of thinking. He will not be found in my dead habits. He will not be found in my dead sins. Jesus is alive and He's looking to bring me to life! He's as real today as He was on that day He showed Himself to the disciples. And He's still willing to give to me the Father's promise: The Holy Spirit! By His power I can tell others about this new life of power to serve Him.

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