Monday, January 21, 2008

Requirements To Be a Disciple

Today's reading is found in Luke 17:1-19. Jesus explained to His disciples a few requirements they must meet in order to be true followers. First of all, Jesus taught them the importance of forgivenss; then He told them about faith; and finally He explained the attitude of servanthood.

Jesus told His disciples that they must forgive others. Even if the person commits an offense seven times on the same day and then repents and asks forgiveness, a true disciple will give abundant mercy. Jesus then told His disicples about the importance of faith. In order to have faith, we must undertand that it is "the certainty of what we hope for and the conviction of what we don't see." It's not a matter of having lots of faith, but of having the right kind of faith! In other words, we must believe that God is real and that He rewards those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6). This is crucial because "without faith, it's impossible to please God." The smallest amount of faith can do great things when we trust and believe God. Finally, Jesus told His disiciples about the importance of servanthood. If practicing forgiveness once in a while and having faith sometimes are difficult tasks that drain us, we must be careful! A servant has no time to rest after completing his or her responsibilities. A servant continually pleases his or her Master and then takes time for himself or herself.

Today I've learned that to be a disciple of Jesus deserves much consideration. It's very easy to say "I love you, Lord." But that does not automatically make us disciples. It's when we obey Him that we show our true colors. It's certainly not easy to forgive those who hurt you. And it's almost impossible to forgive those who hurt you time and time again! But, if we are Jesus' followers, we MUST comply and offer an abundance of mercy and kindness. I've also learned that we must have faith in God. It's not just a matter of believing in His existence, but also in His sovereingty. In other words, He knows what He's doing! I may not understand why I am going through such trials and why I've had to endure such traumatic experiences. But He sees the full picture! He knows why and I must rest on that knowledge. Finally, I've learned that I am called to be a servant. How good it feels when others serve us, especially when the service is prompt and courteous! Well, I must serve others in the same way. No complaints are allowed. No anger or resentment either. This is my job as a servant: To smile and to bless even those who pursposefully hurt me. Jesus gave me the example of what a good servant is and I must follow Him.

Incredibly difficult tasks to accomplish, don't you think? But you don't have to comply...that is, unless you are really committed to Jesus. So, sit down and consider these requirements very carefully. If you aren't willing to meet them, you can't call yourself a disciple. Especially a disciple of Jesus!

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