Thursday, January 3, 2008

In The Beginning

It's interesting to note that the opening words of the very first book, chapter and verse of the Bible are, "First this: God..." (Genesis 1:1 - The Message). No doubt that if He did not exist, then nothing that we see today would exist either. But what really caught my attention was the powerful words, "It was evening, it was morning..." (Genesis 1:5 - The Message). God did not start with everything being bright and in good order. He created light and then He set everything up in its right place. And every time God made something great, those words are repeated.

Today, I have learned from these Scriptures that God is the start of everything good and perfect. Our lives may be in the depths of darkness and despair, but if we allow God to step in, He will bring forth something wonderful! God is not afraid of our worst because He can transform it into the best.

It's great to know that our beginning may not have been the best. But once God is allowed to enter our lives, He gives a fresh and new start.

1 comment:

bert said...

I’m glad God make the world & not me!. I sure wouldn’t have made it so beautiful!.For me there is no dark if God is my light. Night might come & give darkness but the lite inside me should always shine. There might be time of not so lite but then I need to check in with God & get the full force of the lite back up & running. I sure wish I had known God in my childhood & youth. I know my life would have been much better. Thank you God for my lite now.