Monday, January 28, 2008

God Knows Better Than We Do

Today's reading is found in Exodus 13:17-22. God fulfilled His promise of freedom to the people of Israel. It's interesting to note that God could have taken the people through the easy way. But that shortcut would have meant serious struggles and battles. So God decided to take the people through the desert. Though the people of Israel went out of Egypt prepared for battle, God did not allow them to fight.

God also honored Joseph's faith. Before his death, Joseph had asked his brothers to swear on oath that they would not leave his bones in Egypt once God set them free. It took 400 years for the people of Israel to await their freedom! And Moses kept the promise that had been made by taking Joseph's bones with them.

God also provided protection for the people of Israel. His presence was manifested through a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night. They were not alone in the middle of the desert. God's presence was ahead of them at all times. No need to fear; no excuse for uncertainty. God was right there to guide and protect them!

Today I've learned that God always fulfills His promises. No wonder the Bible says about Him, "God is not man, one given to lies, and not a son of man changing his mind. Does he speak and not do what he says? Does he promise and not come through?" (Numbers 23:19 - The Message). How wonderful that 400 years or more may pass, but God never forgets His promises! He will set us free from sin's dominion and though it may seem He takes us through the desert, it is simply to protect and manifest His glory to us. Just as He did with the people of Israel, He will stand before us to cast away all our fears and to dissipate all uncertainties. We may not understand what He's doing...but He knows better than we do.

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