Monday, January 28, 2008

Do You Know God?

Today's reading is found in Exodus 14. Pharaoh and the Egyptians got over their grief and figured out they had made a terrible mistake by allowing the people of Israel leave the land. In their despair, they decided to make the Israelites pay for the tragic loss of their firstborns. So Pharaoh called out for 600 chariots and officers to go after the fleeing people. It's very difficult to understand the Israelites reaction. God had promised to set them free. But when they saw the approaching army, they were terrified! Yet, they did not know God well and that caused them to doubt and be afraid. In their anguish, they spoke harsh words against Moses and they forgot how they had been oppressed and tortured.

When Moses consulted God, he received some really crazy information. Moses was to tell the people to continue moving forward. But how? The Red Sea was right in front of them! Where were they to go? God gave orders for Moses to raise his staff and stretch out his hand and the waters would be parted. Yeah right! Funny thing is that Moses did not struggle with the idea. He did not question the orders. He simply obeyed! In the meantime, God's angel stood at the rear of the Israelites and protected them from Pharaoh's attack. The very cloud which served as a light to God's people became darkness to those who were against God.

Can you imagine the sight of a sea opening up? Walls of water on either side and dry ground to walk on! That's a miracle! The Israelites were allowed to get through and there's no mention of anyone rushing them to get through. Though they did not waste time either. Once all of them got across, Pharaoh and his army followed down the open sea. But God messed them up by jamming the wheels on their chariots to the point that they got stuck. Notice what the Egyptians said, "Let's get away from the Israelites! The LORD is fighting for them against Egypt." They finally recognized that God was with the Israelites. Unfortunately, it was too late. God commanded Moses to raise his hand over the sea again and the waters began to close upon the Egyptians. The entire army was swallowed up by the waters.

The Israelites witnessed God's awesome power to provide salvation. And the conclusion of the chapter states, "the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant."

Today I've learned that God fulfills His promises. He's promised protection from those who persecute us and from those who are bent on harming us. And even if your back is against the sea, you must trust, wait and believe that God will provide salvation. Terror, doubts and complaints will solve absolutely nothing. Lift up your hands towards God. Don't sit to contemplate your situation! Keep moving! But the truth is that you'll never be able to accomplish any of this if you do not know well whom you are following and serving. You must know God and experience His awesome power! Want to know God? Read His Word and speak with Him. He will make Himself known.

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