Thursday, January 3, 2008

Man's Worst vs. God's Best

Today's reading was found in Genesis 3. How sad it is to read that man failed to obey God. Adam & Eve had to face the terrible consequences of disobeying Him: The earth was cursed which would cause Adam to work harder for his sustenance, Eve would endure harsher pain when delivering babies, and they were both thrown out of the Garden that had been prepared exclusively for them. But God did not end man's failure there. He promised redemption!

As I read Luke 2, I found God's perfect plan being unfurled. He had to send Jesus to save us! God Almighty became human. And though God offered us His best, we could not do the same for Him. No room was available for Him at the palace. Not even the inn had a vacancy to allow Him to enter our world. All we could give Him was a miserable manger. No celebrities came to visit Him. No governors or kings showed up to witness His coming. All we could offer was a bunch of simple shepherds watching their flocks. And they couldn't even bring any presents because they were poor!

Today I've learned that God is not impressed by our worst failures or disobedience. God is not concerned with our limitations and poverty. His goodness will shine brighter and stronger always. No matter what we deny Him, He will not stop giving us His best. But this is not reason for us to continue living in sin! It's time we reconsider His kindness and give Him all we have.

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