Friday, January 25, 2008

God Used a Simple Bush

Today's reading is found in Exodus 3. It tells the story of Moses' encounter with God. Moses was tending his father-in-law's flock when suddenly he noticed a burning bush. The slightest spark could cause these extremely dried bushes to burst into flames. But what really caught Moses' attention was that the bush was not consumed. So he drew closer to look at this interesting sight. He never would have thought that God would speak to him from that dried, thorny and useless bush.

Today I've learned that God can use anything or anyone to manifest His presence and glory. For Moses, He used a bush. And not even the highest quality or best looking bush. This wild acacia plant was very dry and thorny. But it was still willing to allow God to use it for His honor. Can you grasp the important lesson God is providing here? It doesn't matter whom you may be, He can still use you for His glory! You may find yourself as dry and thorny as that bush. You may find yourself in a deserted place. You may think you are insignificant and worthless. But God can still use you! Yet, you must understand: That acacia bush did not have a will to change. It remained the same. But you have a will and God's desire is that as He uses you, you may desire to change to bring honor and glory to His name. You think this is impossible? Remember, He used a simple bush. And He can most certainly use you.

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