Friday, January 4, 2008

It Pays to Obey God

Genesis 6 starts by telling the story of God's sons marrying men's daughters. Some theologians believe that Seth's descendants represent God's sons while Cain's descendents represented men's daughters. Other theologians believe that fallen angels represented God's sons who married men's daughters. Out of this union came a new generation that became corrupt and extremely sinful to the point that God became tired of them and promised to destroy them. Yet, God's great patience and love for humankind is displayed by the fact that He chose Noah, a righteous man, to build an ark that would save his entire family and a pair of every animal.

Noah was a man who believed God and he obeyed every command exaclty as it had been communicated. Everything and everyone who was left outside of the ark perished. But God watched over Noah, his family and the animals inside the ark.

Today I've learned that humanity is not moving upward and improving. Rather, we are becoming worse with time. Yet, God has provided a way for salvation. Jesus is the refuge that will guard us from the coming destruction of this world. But we must enter into His rest by building a strong relationship with Him. We must believe in Him and obey Him exactly as He has requested. Remember Noah. This will help you understand that it really pays to obey God.

1 comment:

bert said...

I can understand why nonChristians act the way they do. But why do Christians? If we are reading the Bible & hearing what we read, & going to church & hearing preaching & scriptures on TV and the radio then why don’t we get it? May God have mercy on us!