Sunday, April 27, 2008

When In a Cave...Wait Upon the Lord

Today's reading is found in Psalm 142. It is quite powerful to hear King David crying in despair! As a child, I always heard of David confronting and defeating a powerful giant. I heard of David conquering his enemies. I heard of David sitting upon a lofty throne. But I had never quite heard that David cried! This Psalm really affected the image I had created in my mind.

But you see, not everything went well with David. In the beginning, his brothers did not like or respect him. Even when he was annointed as king in front of them, they still regarded him as their "little brother." To make matters worse, King Saul started to persecute David. Saul's desire was to kill him! He tried a couple of times by throwing a spear at him. David finally fled and hid in the Cave of Adullam. The name Adullam means "enclosed place." What a place to describe how David really felt! He was enclosed by so many problems, disappointments and pains. To make matters worse, the story tells us that 400 men joined David at that cave. But these were indebted and embittered men! They had no words of comfort. They had no cheerful words. They didn't even have hope.

But David did not allow any of this to make him bitter. He cried loudly to the Lord and he pleaded for mercy. He did not sit with those men to complain about his grief or to speak of the injustices he had suffered. He took all his complaints to God. He knew that God knew well how he was feeling deep down inside. Still, David did not curse those who persecuted them. He did not wish any sort of evil upon them. He simply continued to ask God for help.

You and I have to learn to do the same. What good is it to complain to others about your sufferings? You may think you've found a sympathetic ear, but eventually those same people will become your judges. They will criticize you and consider you as weak. Some will even make fun of you! But when you go directly to God and express to Him your disappointments and despair, He understands! No matter if you find yourself locked up in a cave with no exits. He will make a way for you. So let us start a new lifestyle in which we tell God everything and wait for His time, for His rescue and for His blessings.

1 comment:

Marietta said...

It is so good to have you back among the living. Congrats on completing & graduating college. I will read your blog later.