Thursday, January 24, 2008

Coincidence? No. God-Incidence!

Today's reading is found in Exodus 2:1-10. It tells the story of a man and a woman who lived in Egypt, got married and had a baby boy. During that time, the king or Pharaoh of Egypt had demanded that all baby boys be put to death as a means of population control. He did not want to have too many boys who would grow up to be men who would eventually rise against him. For three months this baby's parents cared for him. Can you imagine trying to keep a baby quiet during his or her first three months of life? That was mission impossible, but they did it! Unfortunately, after three months, the parents could no longer care for the baby. The mother thought of a good plan: She put the baby in a basket and released him on the Nile River. She asked her daughter to follow the basket to ensure the baby would be fine.

That same day, Pharaoh's sister had gone to the river to bathe. She sent her maid to get the basked from the reeds. When she looked in the basket she found the baby boy crying. Her heart went out to him and she decided to keep the baby. Out of the reeds also appeared the baby's sister who offered to find a woman to care for the baby. Pharaoh's sister agreed to allow the woman to nurse the baby. She would even pay for the baby's care! Eventually, the baby was returned to Pharaoh's sister who adopted him and named him MOSES.

Today I've learned that everything that happens is under God's control. It was God who moved the baby's mother to put him in a basket on the Nile River on the same day Pharaoh's sister would be bathing in the same place. It was God who led the basket right to the arms of Pharaoh's sister. And it was God who moved her heart to accept the baby and care for him. What a terrible thing to have to get rid of a baby by putting him in the water! But God knew what He was doing. Today, no matter what we may be confronting, we must understand that God has a special plan and purpose. So don't worry. Things will be allright. When things finally get resolved don't think it was all a coincidence. No. It's all about God-Incidence!

1 comment:

Marietta said...

Its hard of believe that God lets us go through so much heart ache and sometime we don’t cause it, someone else does? But I do know that He is in charge if I let Him be. There is so much that I don't understand about life!!