Monday, May 12, 2008

That's The Message

Today's reading is found in Matthew 28. The Bible tells the story of Jesus' resurrection on the first day of the week. The women had gone out to the tomb where Jesus had been buried in order to keep vigil. But they never expected to encounter God's angel. It's incredible that the angel did not speak of his own mind. He did not criticize the women. He did not inquire the whereabouts of Jesus' disciples. He simply gave the message that had been given to him to deliver.

The message was quite simple. It was more of a reminder. The angel said, "There is nothing to fear here. I know you're looking for Jesus, the One they nailed to the cross. He is not here. He was raised, just as he said. Come and look at the place where he was placed." The women immediately obeyed the command to go and tell the disciples of what they had seen and heard. The most wonderful thing about this is that, once they obeyed, they saw Jesus!

The disciples eventually heard the message and obeyed the command. But it's interesting to note that "some, though, held back, not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally." How could that be? They were seeing Jesus in all His splendor and glory and they still stopped to consider whether He was worthy to risk it all.

Today, we can learn a very important lesson from this. Jesus has called us to tell the world about His death and resurrection. As we obey His command, He will appear to us and we will experience His glorious presence and the assurance we need to continue our task. Yet, there are still some that have stopped to consider whether it's worth the time and effort to follow Him. Either way, Jesus has commissioned us to the Great Commision. In other words, we are to "go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you." Dear friends, that's the message!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Who's Driving Your Life?

Today's reading is found in Matthew 16. Jesus continued teaching His disicples important truths about God and His kingdom. Jesus told them that it was necessary for Him to go to Jerusalem and suffer at the hands of the religious leaders. Peter stepped up and tried to convince Jesus that this was not the right way of doing things. But Jesus immediately scolded Him with love. He said to Peter, "Peter, get out of my way. Satan, get lost. You have no idea how God works."

Isn't that the truth even today? Satan has NO idea how God works. We may find outselves in the midst of severe suffering and pain. But God knows that this is for our own good. "Are you crazy," you may ask. No. If God is driving your life, you will allow Him to lead you where He goes. And He will lead your life through trials and pain. But if you are driving your own life, then you'll always avoid the "uncomfortable" zones of life. You'll always want to experience one pleasure after another. You'll long for victories only. You will never want to enter into the valley of the shadow of death. That is not real living.

Jesus Himself laid down His life for you and for me. He knew that God was driving His life through the pain of betrayal, denial and total abandonment by His disciples. He knew God was driving His life down the road of agony and physical torture by the cruel religious leaders. He knew God was driving His life through the Valley of Weeping. But He also understood that God knew the way very well. He needed not to be afraid. In the end, when Jesus reached His destination, the tomb, God raised Him up from the dead and allowed Him to sit at His right hand to intercede for you and me. What a privilege!!!

You and I may be going through the harshest time in life. But don't worry. Jesus knows the way quite well. He's been through it. He knows where He's going. So sit down, be quiet, and let Him drive your life. He will lead you to everlasting peace and life. After all, He is the way, the truth and the life!!!

Monday, April 28, 2008

No Lip Service Allowed, But Action!

Today's Bible reading is found in Matthew 15. The Pharisees and other religious leaders came to Jesus once again. But it's funny to note that they did not come to be taught or to receive spiritual guidance. They just showed up to criticize! Yet, Jesus displayed His extreme patience and His great love for even these unloving enemies. This time, they wanted to know why Jesus' disciplies did not comply with their "age-old traditions" and ceremonies. But Jesus inquired of them, "And why do you, by your traditions, violate the direct commandments of God?"

Even today, that's exactly what we do. We love following age-old traditions that are void of any real meaning. For example, we attend church on Sunday, but there is no real joy in doing so. The faces of those at church tell the tale of better things to do or better places where they could be. We simply want to comply with something we learned from our parents. Also, just a few days ago I learned from the Barna Group that only 5% of Christian adults in America tithe as the Bible teaches. And yet we wonder why our Country is going through a recession. We wonder why so many are losing their homes. We wonder why so many businesses are going bankrupt. And the answer is because we just honor God with our lips, but not with our lives! Our hearts are far from Him and we simply go through the motions of serving Him.

Jesus taught us that it's time for us to change our attitude about worship. He is not concerned about what we say or how well we say it. He wants us to LIVE what He taught us. He does not care about lip service. He wants action! Action that leads us to bow before Him. Action that leads us to enjoy being in His house. Action that causes us to break out in song and words of praise that comes from the heart. Action that provides an example to others who will also follow our behavior.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

When In a Cave...Wait Upon the Lord

Today's reading is found in Psalm 142. It is quite powerful to hear King David crying in despair! As a child, I always heard of David confronting and defeating a powerful giant. I heard of David conquering his enemies. I heard of David sitting upon a lofty throne. But I had never quite heard that David cried! This Psalm really affected the image I had created in my mind.

But you see, not everything went well with David. In the beginning, his brothers did not like or respect him. Even when he was annointed as king in front of them, they still regarded him as their "little brother." To make matters worse, King Saul started to persecute David. Saul's desire was to kill him! He tried a couple of times by throwing a spear at him. David finally fled and hid in the Cave of Adullam. The name Adullam means "enclosed place." What a place to describe how David really felt! He was enclosed by so many problems, disappointments and pains. To make matters worse, the story tells us that 400 men joined David at that cave. But these were indebted and embittered men! They had no words of comfort. They had no cheerful words. They didn't even have hope.

But David did not allow any of this to make him bitter. He cried loudly to the Lord and he pleaded for mercy. He did not sit with those men to complain about his grief or to speak of the injustices he had suffered. He took all his complaints to God. He knew that God knew well how he was feeling deep down inside. Still, David did not curse those who persecuted them. He did not wish any sort of evil upon them. He simply continued to ask God for help.

You and I have to learn to do the same. What good is it to complain to others about your sufferings? You may think you've found a sympathetic ear, but eventually those same people will become your judges. They will criticize you and consider you as weak. Some will even make fun of you! But when you go directly to God and express to Him your disappointments and despair, He understands! No matter if you find yourself locked up in a cave with no exits. He will make a way for you. So let us start a new lifestyle in which we tell God everything and wait for His time, for His rescue and for His blessings.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Listen to God

Today's reading is found in Exodus 20. God spoke to the people of Israel and delivered to them the Law which was to be obeyed completely. It's strange that we always think that God spoke to Moses alone regarding the Law. Yet, when you read the previous chapter, you notice that God came down to speak to all the people.

According to Moses, God had spoken to them and given them the Law in order "to test you, so that the fear of God will be with you to keep you from sinning." But the people were afraid and asked Moses not to let God speak to them because they would die. They wanted Moses to be the spokesperson. Can you believe that? They had the unique opportunity of hearing God's voice and they turned it down!

Today I've learned that God still desires to speak to each and every one of us. Yet, we have become too busy and maybe even lazy that we would rather have someone else tell us what God is saying. We are unwilling to pay the price of building a relationship with Him. We don't want to "waste" time hearing from someone who's just going to tell us what to do. This is the day and the right time in which we need to stand and hear God speak to us. No middle people. No distractions. Just listen to God and fear Him so that you will no longer sin against Him!

Monday, January 28, 2008

Do You Know God?

Today's reading is found in Exodus 14. Pharaoh and the Egyptians got over their grief and figured out they had made a terrible mistake by allowing the people of Israel leave the land. In their despair, they decided to make the Israelites pay for the tragic loss of their firstborns. So Pharaoh called out for 600 chariots and officers to go after the fleeing people. It's very difficult to understand the Israelites reaction. God had promised to set them free. But when they saw the approaching army, they were terrified! Yet, they did not know God well and that caused them to doubt and be afraid. In their anguish, they spoke harsh words against Moses and they forgot how they had been oppressed and tortured.

When Moses consulted God, he received some really crazy information. Moses was to tell the people to continue moving forward. But how? The Red Sea was right in front of them! Where were they to go? God gave orders for Moses to raise his staff and stretch out his hand and the waters would be parted. Yeah right! Funny thing is that Moses did not struggle with the idea. He did not question the orders. He simply obeyed! In the meantime, God's angel stood at the rear of the Israelites and protected them from Pharaoh's attack. The very cloud which served as a light to God's people became darkness to those who were against God.

Can you imagine the sight of a sea opening up? Walls of water on either side and dry ground to walk on! That's a miracle! The Israelites were allowed to get through and there's no mention of anyone rushing them to get through. Though they did not waste time either. Once all of them got across, Pharaoh and his army followed down the open sea. But God messed them up by jamming the wheels on their chariots to the point that they got stuck. Notice what the Egyptians said, "Let's get away from the Israelites! The LORD is fighting for them against Egypt." They finally recognized that God was with the Israelites. Unfortunately, it was too late. God commanded Moses to raise his hand over the sea again and the waters began to close upon the Egyptians. The entire army was swallowed up by the waters.

The Israelites witnessed God's awesome power to provide salvation. And the conclusion of the chapter states, "the people feared the LORD and put their trust in him and in Moses his servant."

Today I've learned that God fulfills His promises. He's promised protection from those who persecute us and from those who are bent on harming us. And even if your back is against the sea, you must trust, wait and believe that God will provide salvation. Terror, doubts and complaints will solve absolutely nothing. Lift up your hands towards God. Don't sit to contemplate your situation! Keep moving! But the truth is that you'll never be able to accomplish any of this if you do not know well whom you are following and serving. You must know God and experience His awesome power! Want to know God? Read His Word and speak with Him. He will make Himself known.

God Knows Better Than We Do

Today's reading is found in Exodus 13:17-22. God fulfilled His promise of freedom to the people of Israel. It's interesting to note that God could have taken the people through the easy way. But that shortcut would have meant serious struggles and battles. So God decided to take the people through the desert. Though the people of Israel went out of Egypt prepared for battle, God did not allow them to fight.

God also honored Joseph's faith. Before his death, Joseph had asked his brothers to swear on oath that they would not leave his bones in Egypt once God set them free. It took 400 years for the people of Israel to await their freedom! And Moses kept the promise that had been made by taking Joseph's bones with them.

God also provided protection for the people of Israel. His presence was manifested through a cloud during the day and a pillar of fire during the night. They were not alone in the middle of the desert. God's presence was ahead of them at all times. No need to fear; no excuse for uncertainty. God was right there to guide and protect them!

Today I've learned that God always fulfills His promises. No wonder the Bible says about Him, "God is not man, one given to lies, and not a son of man changing his mind. Does he speak and not do what he says? Does he promise and not come through?" (Numbers 23:19 - The Message). How wonderful that 400 years or more may pass, but God never forgets His promises! He will set us free from sin's dominion and though it may seem He takes us through the desert, it is simply to protect and manifest His glory to us. Just as He did with the people of Israel, He will stand before us to cast away all our fears and to dissipate all uncertainties. We may not understand what He's doing...but He knows better than we do.